(Photos and story by Frank Shanly)
The reality of the dangers of texting while driving was brought home to students at Bluffton high school Friday morning.
Diveeta Thompson, a loan officer from Wells Fargo Bank, lost her 18-year-old son, Rodney, in a road accident on Oct. 17, 2008. He became distracted, texting while driving, on a brief trip to pick up a friend.
Mrs. Thompson related her story of events as they unfolded after 5 p.m. on that fateful day. The family was preparing to go to a dress-up event, close to Halloween. She was dressed as the wicked witch, but Rodney had told her she looked good in red, and should dress as Little Red Riding Hood.
She went to the shop to change her costume, while Rodney went to pick up a friend. When she returned, she was surprised that Rodney had not yet returned.
He never did!
Sergeant Ron Galaviz of the Indiana State Police, District 22, Fort Wayne, related how during his 16 year career in law enforcement, he has had to attend the scene of many horrific road accidents, and bring home the news to family members, such as Mrs. Thompson, that their loved ones would not be coming home.
He explained to students that a vehicle travelling at 55 mph travels 81 feet per second. If you divert your attention to a text message for just four seconds, you have travelled the length of a football field.
(Read the rest of the story in today's News-Banner)
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